სოლედად ფერნანდესი (Soledad Fernandez)
ესპანელი მხატვარი სოლედად ფერნანდესი (Soledad Fernandez) დაიბადა მადრიდში 1949 წელს.
სამხატვრო ხელოვნებას ეუფლებოდა, როგორც ესპანეთში, მადრიდში, ასევე რომში, ვენეციაში, ლონდონსა და პარიზში.
მისი ნახატები შესრულებულია რეალისტურ-პორტრეტულ ჟანრში და გამორჩევა უაღესი მგრძნობელობით. ნხატებში ასახულია ქალი მხატვრის მიერ დანახული ქალური ნატურა, რაც კიდევ უფრო სენსიტიურს ხდის სურათების აღქმას მხატვრის თვალით.
სოლედად ფერნანდესის ნამუშევრები გამოფენილია სხვადასხვა ცნობილ გალერიებში ლონდონში, მადრიდში, ბარსელონაში, პალმა დე მაიორკაზე, მაიამში, ვალენსიასა და ჩიკაგოში. ასევე შემდეგ მუზეუმებში: Musée Quentovic ( Le Turquet, France ), National Museum of fine arts (La Valleta, Malta), Cathedral Museum (Madina, Malta), Museo Bayo (Puerto de Santa Maria, Càdiz-Spain), Museo de la real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Madrid, Spain), Museo de Dibujo ,,Castillo de Larres,, (Huesca, Spain) და ა.შ.
1987 წელს მიიღო პირველი პრემია უცხოელი მხატვრებისთვის ვენეციის XXIX Grolla d'oro de Treviso-ს საერთაშორისო ფესტივალზე.
1989 წელს ასევე პირველი პრიზი მიენიჭა გალერეა Duràn-ის VI კონკუსრზე.
Soldedad Fernandez
She was born in Madrid. In 1949 she moved to Collado Villalba, Madrid, where she has lived since then. In 1960 and for a period of seven years she studied at Jos Gutirrez Valle's atelier of theSevillian School. She is, so that, an atelier painter. Later on she continued her painting studies at the Circle of Fine Arts in Madrid where she attended several courses of modern art. In the 80's she visited and studied art in Paris, London, Rome and Venice, going deeply into the techniques already learnt in Madrid. After several exhibitions of lesser importance, in 1987 her works were exhibited at the Sammer Gallery in London and subsequently in Madrid, El Escorial, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Zaragoza, etc. She was also present at national and international Art Fairs in Washington, Chicago, Santander (Spain), Valencia (Spain), Miami, etc.
In 1987 she was awarded the First Prize for Foreign Painting (ex aequo) at the XXIX International Contest "Grolla d'Oro de Treviso", Venice and in 1989 she obtained the First Prize at the VI Contest of the Gallery Durn Painting Prize. Some of her works are exhibited at the following museums: Muse Quentovic (Le Touquet, France), National Museum of Fine Arts (La Valletta, Malta), Cathedral Museum (Medina, Malta), Museo Bayo (Puerto de Santa Mara, Cdiz - Spain), Museo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Madrid, Spain) y Museo de Dibujo "Castillo de Larrs" (Huesca, Spain).
Art critics such as Santiago Amn, Francisco Prados de la Plaza, Francoise Tempra, Jos Prez Guerra, Carlos Garca Osuna, Santos Torroella, Javier Rubio, Mario Antoln, M. L. Camboy, Toms Paredes, Antonio Morales, Julia Senz-Angulo, Rafael Perell-Paradelo, Agustn Romo, J. Marcaro Pasarius, Hctor Lpez, ngel Azpeitia, Antonio Lisboa y David Amor, among others have written about her works. This Madrilenian painter is considered by critics one of the best realistic painters at present, being the human body one of her favourite themes especially woman's nude wrapped in paper and cloth which gives her work some magic and mistery.
In 1987 she was awarded the First Prize for Foreign Painting (ex aequo) at the XXIX International Contest "Grolla d'Oro de Treviso", Venice and in 1989 she obtained the First Prize at the VI Contest of the Gallery Durn Painting Prize. Some of her works are exhibited at the following museums: Muse Quentovic (Le Touquet, France), National Museum of Fine Arts (La Valletta, Malta), Cathedral Museum (Medina, Malta), Museo Bayo (Puerto de Santa Mara, Cdiz - Spain), Museo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Madrid, Spain) y Museo de Dibujo "Castillo de Larrs" (Huesca, Spain).
Art critics such as Santiago Amn, Francisco Prados de la Plaza, Francoise Tempra, Jos Prez Guerra, Carlos Garca Osuna, Santos Torroella, Javier Rubio, Mario Antoln, M. L. Camboy, Toms Paredes, Antonio Morales, Julia Senz-Angulo, Rafael Perell-Paradelo, Agustn Romo, J. Marcaro Pasarius, Hctor Lpez, ngel Azpeitia, Antonio Lisboa y David Amor, among others have written about her works. This Madrilenian painter is considered by critics one of the best realistic painters at present, being the human body one of her favourite themes especially woman's nude wrapped in paper and cloth which gives her work some magic and mistery.

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