ედსონ კამპოსი (Edson Campos)
ედსონ კამპოსი (Edson Campos) წარმოშობით ბრაზილიელი, ამერიკელი თვითნასაწავლი მხატვარია. იგი დაიბადა ბრაზილიაში, ხოლო 1978 აშშ-ში გადავიდა საცხოვრებლად და სულ მალე დაიმკვიდრა სახელი, როგორც მაღალი დონის მხატვარმა.
მისი რეალისტური ჟანრის ნამუშევრები გამოირჩევიან მაღალი საშემსრულებლო ტექნიკით, სხვადასხვა გამოფენებსა და ფესტივალებზე მიღებული აქვთ უამრავი ჯილდო და პრიზი.

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Edson has enjoyed drawing and painting at an early age, and became completely self-taught artist. He moved to the United States in 1978 and quickly established itself as a high-level performer.
He has exhibited his paintings and drawings realistic in most major cities in the United States, Europe and South America, winning many awards. Noted for its sensual portrayal of women, his paintings and drawings have been published in magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse, and were selected by Hotel Queen Mary in Long Beach, California to decorate each of the 500 rooms of the hotel. Edson attended the Art Expo New York, where his work was a resounding success.
Awareness of Edson Campos was confirmed in 1999, after the publication of an article on his work in a special issue of Artist's Magazine on painting techniques.
Edson was twice first prize at the prestigious "Coconut Grove Art Festival" in 2002 and 2003. His painting was presented to many art festivals in the United States where he won numerous awards. Edson Campos was also honored with the title of "Artist of the Year" by the modern art collection of Orlando in 2003.
During his travels, particularly in Europe, Edson was able to visit and study the paintings and sculptures of his favorite masters (Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Vermeer, Botticelli, ...), which has been a great source inspiration.


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